Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Holidays are almost upon us 2013

Time is really flying here at Walnut Creek. The new homes going up seem to be getting more sophisticated with each new street that comes to life. It's quite refreshing.

I've past the three year mark living here and am quite happy with the decision. The neighborhood has a great mix of people from different cultures and heritages. It works real well. The age range of residents is quite diverse as well.

I enjoy watching the area children and young adults participating in outside sports, whether it be basketball, or just the riding of their bicycles. It's nice to see that kids these days aren't really glued to their television sets all day.

I have to chuckle when I see the really young tykes zoom by in their motorized carts. Technology is touching three and four year old kids as they seem to have it all while navigate the streets in their personal little people movers.

So for now, things are good here at Walnut Creek. Would I buy here again? Yes, I would. I do have concerns though with regards to the number of rental units in the development. I do believe rental units should be held to a higher standard of HOA requirements but that is just not in the cards.

I would like to see a resident's HOA. 

The management company that now anxiously collects our yearly dues does do a good job but I'm not happy with their lack of response when issues are reported to them. They don't seem to have names when you call their office, and they don't return telephone calls. They simply don't.

Look at it from their standpoint, they don't have to. We are not their clients. The residents are just the ones who signed the documents to comply with their regulations. I would like to see a definite date be announced for the creation of a resident's HOA. From this standpoint I feel I was misled by Lennar Homes when they suggested there would be a resident's HOA in about two years.

So as another year comes to a close (almost) things are ok here in Walnut Creek. I did hear through a third party that we may be under the protection of the City of Rosenberg Police soon. Not sure if that's true or not but I'd really like to see that. I don't think we are seeing enough law enforcement in the neighborhood. Once a while a Fort Bend County Sheriff's Deputy will drive by but it's not a regular occurrence.

It would be nice to see some speed enforcement in the mornings when people enter our neighborhood to drop their kids off at the elementary school. 

I am sure a simple motorcycle Deputy would be able to cite several cars per hour.

Until next time.

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