Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Is Here So Now What?

First off, thank you to all my neighbors who felt the necessity to continue with their fireworks past 2:30AM this morning. I'm all for self expression and people enjoying their home, but there is a point where total disregard for the people around you is most unfortunate. I suppose this comes with the territory, this is a tightly packed community full of diverse people. I have to believe the folks who partied into the morning didn't even realize they were disturbing others. So common sense, isn't so common, is it?

Now, the beginning of new year will bring with it the bill for the imitation home owners association.When I purchased my home more than two years ago I was assured by the Sales Representative at Lennar Homes that an association made up of residents of the community would be formed within a year. This didn't  happen and the current "company" that acts to handle the landscaping and home owner's association duties is very quiet indeed. There is little or no communication from them on what's going on in the community, issues, agendas, etc. I will say, when I've had to seek their help they were very accommodating.

Moving on, In my next post I will address an agenda item that needs to be addressed at some level. That is the lack of adequate police protection. I had an incident last week where I called 911 (3) times and received no response from the local authorities. Really? As you can imagine, I'm not quite happy with the Fort Bend County Sheriff''s Department right now.

So, my first post of the year isn't totally positive so I feel the need to end with some upbeat comments:

  • The community is coming together very nicely. It was nice to see all the new homes decorated for the holidays. People did put in a lot of effort with their decorations.
  • The new homes being built are rather interesting. They have design elements that are really spectacular such as french doors off the master bedrooms, patios etc. When I purchased a few years back there were no upgrades available. I would have enjoyed a patio.
  • Overall, people are really taking care of their properties. This could be a combination of self pride and the policing of the neighborhood by ACMI (The management company).
  • Lennar construction debris is a non issue at this point. They are doing a very nice job of picking up after themselves. I do believe Lennar is a good company and I would purchase from them again. (I have no connection to Lennar).
Enjoy the neighborhood more to come soon. I feel like writing again.

1 comment:

  1. We are considering moving out to that subdivision. As a matter of fact we were suppose to sign a contract today, but I'm seeing bad rankings for the school district. Can anyone tell me the name of the elementary school out there if you know anything about the schools? Thank you.
